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December Greetings,
Continuing our tradition of offering thoughts to ponder as another year in our lives comes to a close. Ted kept this special quotation hanging in his apartment as it so well reflected his own idea on how to achieve any goal. (I posted this years (!) ago somewhere in the Forums.)
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and Determination alone are Omnipotent.
John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.

New Video on the website –
An exquisite four-song medley from Joey B’s wedding video!
New Audio on the website - I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas
** CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
Lesson Material:
Harmony Section: Contrary Motion Melody – 4 pages
IV iii7 ii7 w/Contrary Motion Melody –Pg.1
IV iii7 ii7 V7 I –Pg.2
IV iii7 ii7 V7 (alt.) I – Pg. 3
IV iii7 ii7 – Pg. 4
The Nearness of You
O Come All Ye Faithful
Deck the Halls
From the Students: Compilations by Paul Vachon
The Nearness of You
O Come All Ye Faithful
Deck the Halls

“Kindness is a small price to pay for the good will and affection of others.” Ted Greene
May you find peace, serenity and joy in your heart now and always.
Barbara Franklin
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Mid-Autumn Greetings,
This month offers the Final installment (Part IV) of the George Van Eps/Ted Greene taped interview for Guitar Player Magazine.
There is a very special song this month, one of Ted’s original pieces titled Thanksgiving Chorale. Ted wrote it when he was 28 years old and assiduously studying the style of J.S. Bach, upon which the piece is highly influenced. I never did ask Ted about the title, but since it was written during November 1974, it is probable that he wrote it to commemorate the holiday.
I encourage you to look at David and Paul’s write-ups for it, located in the section titled From the Students. By itself, the page might be difficult to read and decipher. Paul has made the notation very clear to read, and provided "possible chord diagrams" for the guitarist. David's analysis will no doubt shed light into the compositional construction, and show how it relates to J.S. Bach.
New and stimulating activity in the Forums
I am happy to see that there has been some interest generated by a couple of threads in the Forums called "Name That Chord" and "Name That Chord Progression." This has led to some very stimulating musical discussions. The examples are from Ted's "Personal Studies" pages - not from his regular teaching material. We will continue to post more examples if interest and participation grows, and I encourage anyone to join the discussions, to ask questions, offer observations, or make comments. There are some real experts in our membership who can offer a wealth of information, and some insights into Ted's teachings and perspectives... free for the asking!
Which brings me to the new lesson material:
Ted titled this study: Diatonic Scalewise Derived Passages – Triads
On all these pages Ted has asked the student to name the chords. He does indicate what key the exercise is in. I do encourage you to give it a try. If anyone needs assistance, just email and we will post a few in the Forums as examples. By the time you’ve completed all the lesson exercises, as per Ted’s instructions, that is: do them in all keys indicated, you will have gained an extensive knowledge of three-note triads and their inversions! These exercises consist of five pages!
Very useful, yes?
CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
Lesson Material:
Chord Studies:
Getting Acquainted With Triads - 5 pages (numbered 1,1a, 2,3,4)
Thanksgiving Chorale by Ted Greene
From the Students:
Thanksgiving Chorale: Compilation by Paul Vachon, Analysis by David Bishop
And I will leave you with this:
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the origin of all the other virtues.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
[Lat., Gratus animus est una virtus non solum maxima, sed etiam mater virtutum onmium reliquarum.] Source: Oratio Pro Cnoeo Plancio (XXXIII)
One aspect of Ted’s character that factored heavily in his life was gratitude. Ted lived his life in gratitude for all that was bestowed upon him, and quite often expressed and acknowledged how blessed he felt. These feelings of gratitude were also reflected in his generosity towards others, and in the way he lived.
May you all have a joyous Thanksgiving celebration.
Barbara Franklin
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Autumnal Greetings!
At the writing of this newsletter, it sure doesn’t feel as if Autumn has arrived here in Southern California! We have been roasting in triple digit heat for days with no end insight. Yes, summer’s last flame burns bright before she departs to grace the southern hemisphere with her potential furies.
This month brings you Part III of the George Van Eps/Ted Greene Interviews to download and savor.
Moreover, according to the statistics that depict the most popular lesson material, one of the favorites has been 10ths and Inner Pedals. Therefore this month we offer lessons of a similar nature, which bring out the beauty and movement of sustained inner voices and present a wider variety of options.
CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
Lesson Material:
Harmony section:
Diatonic 6th and Inner Pedals
- Introduction to Diatonic 6th and Inner Pedals - 3 Pages
- Longer Phrases Using Diatonic 6th and Inner Pedals (& other sounds for variety) A Form of Sustained Scale Technique
- Diatonic 6th and Inner Pedals – Leading into 6ths and Soprano Pedals (and other sounds for Taste’s Sake)
- Dorian and Aeolian 6ths with Inner Pedals - Baroquish Flavour as a result.
Pennies From Heaven (1936), is a popular American song by Johnny Burke and Arthur Johnston. It was also the title of a film made in 1936 starring Bing Crosby and Madge Evans, and introducing the song.
Moonglow was first recorded by Joe Venuti and his Orchestra in 1933, with later recordings by Ethel Waters and Benny Goodman his Orchestra in 1934, and has since become a jazz standard, performed and recorded numerous times by a wide array of musical talents.
From the Students:
Moonglow - compilation by Paul Vachon
Pennies From Heaven - compilation by Paul Vachon
As many of you are well aware, the TedGreene.com lesson section has accumulated an abundance of varied material, a good portion of which we feel will appeal to and be useful for everyone for years to come. There are many choices, and it is not always easy to choose wisely the first time.
An undoubted truth is: That which stimulates and challenges will sustain interest and produce the desired results.
It is my wish, as it was Ted’s to continually present a vast array of musical options with the hopes that at least some will resonate with your musical soul.
Wishing you inspiration and joy!
Barbara Franklin
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Late Summer Greetings,
Thus this month begins the final quarter of this year,soon the autumnal equinox, and on the 26th of September Ted would have been sixty-four. Yet, Ted’s magic continues to spread, traversing a course reaching many recesses of our unfathomable planet. Behold, the Forums section now has over one thousand members worldwide, and seems to be increasing weekly. Quite gratifying!
The second installment of the George Van Eps/Ted interview is now presented in the Audio section and will surely pique your interest again. Thanks for all the positive comments you’ve shared.
This month the lesson material encompasses Ted’s written explanations and examples of Diatonic Modulation. I have included a “foreword,” if you will. I chose to include it with the lesson pages, as opposed to offering my commentary here.
CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
New Material for September:
Ted was continually stressing the importance of ear training. If you are familiar with the material, review does no harm. If this is new for you, it is guaranteed to improve your musicianship!
Harmony section:
1. A note from Barbara Franklin
2. Ted’s Diatonic Modulation Pages – Details and Examples - 3 pages
3. Practice patterns to Learn Chord Forms “almost” Diatonic Modulation
4. Application of Basic Chord Forms in Progressions (Featuring Voice Leading, Ties, Melodic Top End, Sequences, Cycles and Modulation)
Michelle – Ted’s Chord Melody arrangements (1 & 2 plus Ted’s Lead Sheet)
From the Students:
Michelle – Versions #1 and #2 compilations by Paul Vachon
Yesterday - compilation by Fabius (from the Forum section)
I leave you with one of my favorite Ted quotations:
"It is your responsibility to work hard until you are confident playing music that touches others' hearts the way it has touched yours." Ted Greene
Wishing you joy, insight and inspiration,
Barbara Franklin
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Mid Summer Greetings,
This month we have New Audio and the accompanying article resulting from such.
Ted interviewed George Van Eps for the August 1981 issue of Guitar Player magazine.
The entire interview with George was taped by Ted, which he later used as a reference when he wrote the article. We are presenting both the audio (in several parts) and the actual magazine article in total.
These very informative audio CD's (4 discs) also offer candid, warm and casual conversation between two maestros and friends.
In the Tunes section youwill notice three versions of My Funny Valentine. Two versions have been posted on the website for some time now, so we decided to add the third and final version of Ted’s arrangements. This will give you the ability to make comparisons and choose the version of your personal preference. Or perhaps learn all three, mix and match! For your convenience, and because Paul is so conscientious, thorough, and truly cares about making the learning process as accessible as possible, he has included a page of comments and explanations. What an exemplary person Paul is indeed!
CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
New Material for August:
Ted was continually stressing the importance of ear training. If you are familiar with the material, review does no harm. If this is new for you, it is guaranteed to improve your musicianship!
To be found in the section: OTHER:
1. Learning to Hear Major going to Minor
2. Learning to hear Minor
3. Learning to hear V7
4. Learning to hear V7b9
My Funny Valentine – Version #1 Ted’s (9/12/74) original chord melody arrangement
*Note: Ted’s other original versions of My Funny Valentine#2 (12/18/74) and #3 (3/22/99) are already in the Tunes section. Paul has now made compilation pages for those versions.
From the Students:
My Funny Valentine - Three Ted Greene Arrangements
My Funny Valentine - Ted's 12/9/74 arrangement with pages by Paul Vachon
My Funny Valentine - Ted's 12/18/74 notated arrangement with pages by Paul Vachon
My Funny Valentine - Ted's 3/22/1999 arrangement with pages by Paul Vachon
Please feel unrestrained and certainly harbor no obstacle about wishing to communicate, correspond, interact, question, query, comment, criticize, remark, doubt, and make suggestions and requests.
Communication is the essence of understanding.
Wishing you all inspiration and enjoyable experiences musically and otherwise.
Barbara Franklin
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Summer Greetings,
For me, the bittersweet month of July possesses memories of Ted that engender my most profound happiness (our fortuitous first meeting on the 9th, which we commemorated with a celebration), and my most profound sadness - the loss of Ted on the 23rd.
Now five yeas will have come to pass since that ill-fated day. I felt it an appropriate time to offer a special remembrance:
September 26, 1946 – July 23, 2005
“A modest credo of mine is: Music is about how it makes us feel, while we’re in it and later when we’re remembering it. And more important for some, music is about the effects of this, on us, on our lives… and those of others. There are a million and one things to think about here, if one is so inclined.” Ted Greene
My dearest Ted
Always in my heart, my love forever.
In mid-June we chose to share something incredible with everyone:
A Ted Greene “Special Recording Session” circa 1977. For those of you who have not discovered this phenomenal collection, the information can be found on the Home page.
CHECK OUT the "Special Recording Session" video on Youtube
New video: Alas, we have exhausted our reserve of lesson videos graciously submitted by Steve Herberman, Brian Totten and Nick Stasinos. However, Dan Sindel will begin posting Ted’s Music Seminar videos. This will be done in several segments over the course of the next few months.
This July I chose a very poignant song, Time After Time, written by Sammy Cahn and Jules Styne in 1947. Frank Sinatra introduced it in the 1947 movie It Happened in Brooklyn. Ted played this sentimental favorite so tenderly it brought tears of rapture to both of us.
New Material for July:
Jazz/Blues Section:
The ever-popular Jazz Turnarounds - pgs. 4, 5 & 6
1. Minor Chords and Astronomy (Ted’s clever presentation of minor chord construction and relationships)
2. Using 3 Note Triads and 7th Chords in Short Phrases
3. Triad Exercises in Minor – Broken Chords
Chord Melody – Time After Time
From the Students:
Time After Time compilation by Paul Vachon
Sleepwalk compilation by Paul Vachon
At this most significant point in time, I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone for their efforts in helping to perpetuate Ted Greene’s legacy. May it extend forever beyond the reaches of time sending forth a beacon of musical light and beauty as a gentle guide for all those who wish to find this path.
Wishing you inspiration and joy,
Barbara Franklin
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Late Spring Greetings,
With summer coming, perhaps there will be more time to put in on the guitar? You’ll need it with the abundance of new lesson materialfor this month.
In the new video, Ted discusses writing the article on Wes Montgomery, and also comments on Wes’ playing style. With that in mind, most of the lesson material this month is Wes related!
Watch part 1
Watch part 2
In accordance with that there is a special contribution from Ted’s student, David Oakes. The written introduction to his version of Night Wes, includes some interesting details which I will share here:
“Night Wes is one of Ted’s original compositions. Anyone that knew Ted was fully aware of Ted’s love for the guitar and musicality of Wes Montgomery. Ted told me that he was inspired by two of his favorite Wes songs to create the composition. The first one was Joe Zawinul’s Midnight Mood and the second was Bumpin’ on Sunset. That is where the “night” reference came into play.”
Paul Vachon has also contributed his compilation of Night Wes. There are a few dissimilarities between Paul’s version and David’s version. The explanations for each arrangement are detailed separately in From the Students, along with both versions.
Paul, above and beyond amazing, has also done compilations of the lesson material, Walkin’ With Wes, Wes Octaves and Walkin’ Bass Jumpback Blues in F#, as requested by a well- deserving Tim Lerch, who has contributed excellent video lessons of Ted’s blues pieces, AND is planning a new video on Youtube for June of Walking Bass Jumpback Blues in F# to coincide with the lesson material! Wow!
Watch Tim Lerch's video of Walking Bass Jumpback Blues on Youtube
New Material for June:
Jazz/Blues Section:
Walkin’ With Wes #2 – Ted's Original Blues Study
Walkin’ With Wes #3 – Ted's Original Blues Study
Wes Octave Moving Positions – Ted's page for playing octaves like Wes
Walking Bass Jumpback Blues (in F#) – Ted's Original Blues Study
Jumpback Blues (in A) - Ted's Original Blues Study
'Night Wes – Ted Greene original composition
From the Students
'Night Wes - Paul Vachon’s compilation pages & comments
'Night Wes - David Oakes' version in musical notation & comments
Walking Bass Jumback Blues (in F#) – Paul Vachon's compilation of Ted's page
Walkin’ With Wes #2 – Paul Vachon's compilation of Ted's page
Walkin’ With Wes #3 – Paul Vachon's compilation of Ted's page
Jumpback Blues (in A) - Paul Vachon's compilation of Ted's page
There you have it, and considering the copious amount of new pieces to play, I chose not to post any additional lesson material. Paul Vachon and David Oakes have graciously imparted all these lessons to you.
May you find something here to delight you!
Barbara Franklin
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‘Tis May! “When never-resting time leads summer on” Shakespeare
This month the new video presents more from the lesson collection of Nick Stasinos. Hereyou will find Ted and Nick conversing on various topics, one of particular interest is Ted’s Telecaster setup and sounds, the second video gives and evaluation of a G&L ASAT guitar.
Without Paul Vachon’s compilation of Nature Boy, the original grid Ted fashioned for a student would have been “unpostable.” Many times when Ted wrote up a chord melody sheet specifically upon request during a lesson, much discussion and explanation accompanied the material, rendering it almost impossible to decipher unless YOU were that student! Therefore, it is suggested you utilize Paul’s compilation page first, then make a comparison to the original sheet.
For the ever-growing legion of J.S. Bach aficionados, I gladly offer Ted’s transcription of J.S. Bach’s Prelude No. 2 for Keyboard. This piece was originally in Cmi, Ted has transposed it to Ami for guitar.
It took me a while to determine where in Bach’s voluminous works Ted discovered this Prelude. I finally found it in one of my piano books titled, 18 Short Preludes for the Keyboard; there is a 2nd section in the back of the book titled 6 Short Preludes for the Keyboard, and voila! there is was.
New Material for May:
The Guitar Layout – Chord Twins – 2 Pages
The Guitar Layout - Voicing Twins
Tonality: A Taste of Tonality Types
Hearing the Different Tonalities
Nature Boy – Ted’s chord melody arrangement
Bach Prelude No. 2 (from the 6 Short Preludes)
Gospel Influenced Blues in G (Ted Greene original)
From the Students
Nature Boy – Paul Vachon compilation
Gospel Influenced Blues in G – Paul Vachon compilation
Well, there you have it, a veritable gourmet feast for May. I’m always endeavoring to appeal to the length and breadth of all who choose to visit here. Please feel free to contribute comments, express preferences, and ask questions. After all, that is the rationale for the forums section.
Wishing inspiration and joyful moments.
Barbara Franklin
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Greetings for Springtime,
Something New! Many of you may have noticed that Dan Sindel built the TedGreeneArchives Blog. This will potentially provide a way for me to inform and enlighten others about Ted’s legacy, the wealth of musical information available, his extraordinary website, TedGreene.com (of course), the TedGreeneArchivesChannel replete with lessonvideos on Youtube, in addition to a place where I can periodically add updates, commentary, insights, amusements, or musings (see Reflections).
New Video - From Nick Stasinos’ collection of lessons, this lesson includes conversations on many topics, a few with musical examples. Most notably Ted does his best to define what American music is, inclusive of some uproarious comparisons. (Ted being Ted! and one silly illustration of why I loved him so much.)
There is an eclectic mix of lesson material and so arrangements presented this month. Paul Vachon’s compilations alone are totally dissimilar in content, and conversely due to various discussions on Baroque analysis in the Forums over the past month, I have selected some related material in that area. However, the ii7 V7 I resolutions have a multitude of applications, but I chose it as an example of the plentiful possibilities of voice leading, Ted’s chord “extensions” galore, and resolutions in particular.
The minuet in F by Handel is unfamiliar to me; perhaps someone knows what it was taken from? I included this piece for Ted’s rudimentary analysis, and on the off chance some of you might follow up on his suggestion? This can be quite an enjoyable exercise, and those of you who choose to, may very well be surprised at how much variety a simple chord progression can generate.
New Material for April:
Harmonization of ii7 V7 I – 3 pages
Girl from Ipanema (Ted’s original outline for Solo Guitar and Ted’s melody line w/chords)
Gospel Blues (Ted’s original)
Minuet by George F. Handel (w/some analysis by Ted)
From the Students
Gospel Blues - Key of A compilation by Paul Vachon
Girl from Ipanema - compilation by Paul Vachon
Wishing you a pleasant springtime, joy and inspiration.
Barbara Franklin
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Greetings for Springtime,
Something special in the ether: In the new lesson video series from Nick Stasinos, this month you will hear Ted play an exquisite, inimitable version of Watch What Happens.
Ted’s ability to create improvisations such as this took many years to develop. I have included lesson material that offers some fundamental exercises, which in many ways are the basis for this style of playing. Do not expect miracles! Those of you whose goals are to attain a level of playing and musical understanding akin to Ted’s will instinctively do all the exercises in all keys. And….as Ted would always comment, try to make it “fun!”
The version of Watch What Happens that I’ve included this month; bears but a faint trace of what Ted is playing in the video. However, Ted also played it a multitude of ways, and this is yet another possibility. Plus there is room to expand it on your own.
I have also chosen two simple Bach minuets; there is a lot of opportunity for experimentation utilizing these beautiful little pieces. The piece in A Major (originally written in G major), might be recognizable to many of you.
At a later date, Paul Vachon will be making compilations for all the material posted this month. At present, he and I, (mostly he), are working on “decoding” Ted’s Voicing Systems. A confounding project but guaranteed to benefit many when it is finally presented. Nonetheless, Paul does have a new tune compilation for this month.
**Don't forget to visit the Ted Greene Archives on Youtube.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE - RATE & COMMENT :) For those of you who haven’t visited this... take a look! We will continue to add to these archives as it is proving a valuable way to reach others who haven’t yet discovered Ted, the website or the forums.
New Material for March:
Melodic Patterns – Key of C
Harmonic Patterns – Key of C
Harmonic Patterns – 6th Intervals
Watch What Happens
Bach minuet in A minor (originally in G minor)
Bach minuet in A major (originally in G major)
From the Students
With a Little Help From My Friends – compilation by Paul Vachon
Georgia On My Mind – compilation by Paul Vachon
I wish you all joy and inspiration. 
Barbara Franklin
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February Greetings, This month, the seemingly indefatigable Paul Vachon, has formulated a considerable amount of lesson material.
NEW VIDEO - Continuing with Nick Stasinos’ lesson series, in this segment Nick learns the accompaniment to Manhã de Carnaval by Luiz Bonfa from the film Black Orpheus.
As a complement to the video we have included Ted’s accompaniment for Manhã de Carnaval, along with Paul’s compilations and notes.
Paul has also completed and offers a series of lessons and compilation pages for an 8-part series by Ted entitled “Approach chord Blues.”
In addition, we've made a condensation from the Forums of another “lesson” from Mark Thronbury on Ted's intro to Ol’ Man River, covering modulation methods and his analysis, complete with illustrations.
My only additions to this bountiful month of new material are Ted’s 7#9 scale and his Lenny Breau Flamenco-type runs. I thought these two pages would be a nice complement to the other lessons.
**Don't forget to visit the Ted Greene Archives on Youtube.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE - RATE & COMMENT :) For those of you who haven’t visited this... take a look! We will continue to add to these archives as it is proving a valuable way to reach others who haven’t yet discovered Ted, the website or the forums.
New Material for FEBRUARY:
More New Video for you: Manhã de Carnaval
Approach Chord Blues
Manhã de Carnaval – lead sheet
Manhã de Carnaval – accompaniment chords
Single Note:
Lenny Breau Flamenco-type Runs
The 7#9scale: Very Bluesy
From the Students
Manhã de Carnaval compilations by Paul Vachon
Approach Chord Blues compilations by Paul Vachon
Well, there you have it, an abundance of diverse and interesting material to choose from. Enjoy!
Barbara Franklin
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Mid Winter Greetings and Welcome to a New Year!
First of all I want to give special praise and acknowledgement to the extraordinary Paul Vachon, and the amazing lawyerCharlesM., who have contributed bountifully to this website and the forums and have continuously striven to provide their wealth of knowledge in many areas in order to give insight andunderstanding into Ted’s lesson material. And to the incredible Dan Sindel – dispersing Ted’s light all over the world.
Perhaps you have noticed that Dan Sindel has been a very busy little elf over the holidays creating the Ted Greene Archives on Youtube.
For those of you who haven’t visited this... take a look! We will continue to add to these archives as it is proving a valuable way to reach others who haven’t yet discovered Ted, the website or the forums.
New Video: Nick Stasinos has graciously provided us with his video taped lessons with Ted. We will be presenting them all in several parts. Already posted in December (appropriately) was Little Drummer Boy. This month Nick’s lesson begins with George Van Eps “fake” 7 string tuning, and segues into Guilds and archtops.
Also this month, besides the chord melody arrangement, Paul has added his insights to the blues pieces as well! Wow!
New Material for JANUARY:
More New Video for you: “fake” 7 string tuning, and segues into Guilds and archtops
Harmonic Vocabulary and Progressions
Uptown Blues
Mor or Wes
Ted’s Chord melody arrangement: Fine and Dandy
From the Students
Ted’s Greene’s Danny Boy with analysis by Mark Thornbury
Fine and Dandy chord melody by Paul Vachon
Blues lessons: Uptown Blues and Mor or Wes by Paul Vachon
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My Life with The Chord Chemist
A Memoir of Ted Greene, Apotheosis of Solo Guitar
By Barbara Franklin
Publication Date: Nov 24 2009
Page Count: 276
Trim Size: 8" x 10"
$24.00 U.S.
Available at amazon.com
All proceeds from the book go to TedGreene.com
A retrospective of Ted Greene, virtuoso solo guitarist, beloved music teacher, world-renowned author and innovator of unique music concepts for guitar. This book also includes an overview of Ted Greene's early life and musical development, plus an insightful narrative of the 13 years prior to his death
Six agonizing months after losing my beloved Ted, I slowly emerged from a state of profound disbelief, almost coma-like. At that time I didn’t know what to do with the remnants of my life; then a path began to unfold before me. This website was started and became a saving grace.
During the ensuing years, I organized and categorized Ted’s material and personal studies. Upon completion of that massive undertaking, once again, I didn’t know what to do, so I began writing.
I wrote pages, and then threw them away, until once again a path began to unfold. What I wrote is mostly a personal memoir. I suppose it was what I had to write first.
From the preface:
“The decision to reveal parts of our personal life was something I deliberated over for a long time. Because our lives became so inextricably bound, I included what I felt necessary, but not without a considerable amount of apprehension. This book illustrates the many parallels between Ted the musician and Ted the person. I felt it was important to convey how Ted was driven compulsively not just to pursue music, but so many other things he loved.”
With this in mind, here is our story. It IS very personal and I still have apprehensions about publishing it. My hope is that it brings you closer to Ted, as you begin to get to know and understand this unique and extraordinary man and musician.
Happy New Year to all and may the New Year bring you closer to attaining your goals and dreams.
Barbara Franklin
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