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Baroque Harmony
10ths and Inner Pedals (3 pages)
Learning to use the 8 Note Dominant Scale Chords (Part I)
Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
Sleeper’s Awake – J.S. Bach
From the Students
Autumn Leaves - compilation by Paul Vachon
Sweet dreams and best wishes for the holidays and the New Year,
Barbara Franklin
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Oh my, it’s November already! Another year draws to a close. Halloween is over. The clocks are set back. Darkness begins to descend earlier in the Northern Hemisphere.
Tuesday the 4th is Election Day. Have you voted?
On the Home Page of TedGreene.Com you will notice that the offer for the DVD
“Ted Greene plays at Joey B’s wedding” is once again available. For how long, I cannot say. For more information please visit the TedGreene.com Home Page..
From the Students:
There have been some changes in the Forums section; you will find another category titled "From the Students". This will cross-reference the category on the home page temporarily, but from time to time, you will find new additions.
The intention for this change and others to come is to un-clutter the forums, if possible, making it easier to find some long buried gems.
Some of the music Ted loved the most was from the old Musicals, such as “Mary Poppins” from which “Chim Chim Cher-ee” originated. But there were many others, too numerous to mention, Ted and I watched them all, many times with tears in our eyes.
These are some of the most beautiful and poignant songs ever written, and could touch ones heart in a very special way. I hope many of you will sense that special quality.
Chord Progression Vocabulary - 2 pages
Yesterday - (Chord Melody arrangement)
From the Students
Chim Chim Cher-ee - adaptation by Paul Vachon
Warm Regards,
Barbara Franklin
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Autumn Greetings!
The last day of summer graced us with very pleasant weather for the Picnic. For those who could not attend, Nick Stasinos has posted some amusing photos and commentary for a glimpse into our afternoon. You will find this in the Forums under News & Updates, titled Picnic September 2008.
This has no relevance to the website but........
Nonetheless, is very important to one and all! Ted never missed a chance to cast his vote in any election no matter how insignificant. He impressed upon me how very important it is to vote and encouraged me to always do so. Now I urge all of you to please exercise your voting privilege, it really does make a difference. Thanks for indulging my need to impress this little message.
Pentatonic Blues Scales - 3 pages
Blues Runs in the Key of E
Stormy Weather (Chord Melody arrangement)
From the Students
Moon River - adaptation by Paul Vachon
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There will be a picnic on September 21st! If you would like to attend, please, please, please go to the NEWS AND UPDATES section in the FORUMS for more information.
Here are the details:
SUNDAY September 21, 2008 11am to 2pm
Where: ENCINO PARK on Ventura Blvd. 1/2 Blk. East of Balboa Blvd. North Side of Street
(next to Smart & Final, same park as before)
**Please remember to bring food & drinks - this is a “pot-luck” style feast, we all share.
See map for directions.
Here is a link to a map
Sept. 26th would have been Ted’s 62nd Birthday, as I have mentioned before on these meaningful dates, perhaps take the time to brighten someone’s day, somehow, if even with just a smile.
One of the arrangements selected this month is “When Sunny Gets Blue”, which was requested by Jeffery Stocks some time ago in the forums. Actually, I had forgotten, and recently came across his request again. This I gladly post as a small act of appreciation for all his participation on the website, to which he has contributed so much for everyone’s benefit. Thank you Jeffery!!!!
I received a suggestion along the lines of something I vaguely recall explaining in the forums quite some time ago, and is certainly worth mentioning again:
“All of the arrangements that Ted wrote down were done so for the benefit of his students who wanted to learn a particular song. Some are on the advanced level, some at intermediate, and some for "easy level." Ted didn't need to commit an arrangement to paper in order to play a song. He was constantly changing and improving them each time he played. His concepts were usually much grander than the simple chord charts he wrote. In his performances, he would invariably include intros, interludes, modulations, stylistic shifts, different harmonic treatments, harmonics, etc., when he played a tune. Ted had the sounds, the feel, and the melody and progression of the tune all etched in his brain, so he could spontaneously enter into another way of expression or a new variation whenever a whim tickled his fancy.
It is important for students to realize that just memorizing Ted's arrangements as his pages indicate, doesn't come close to the masterpieces he created in his playing. The pages are a starting point. All one need do is to watch or listen to one of his recordings and try to follow along with his printed arrangement page. It just doesn't work!”
Voice Leading & Splitting
Voice Leading - Open Triads
Invention No. 13 in a minor- J.S. Bach (the master of Voice Leading)/ Munster’s Theme (something fun at the bottom of the page)
When Sunny Gets Blue - Solo Guitar
When Sunny Gets Blue - Comping
From the Students
When Sunny Gets Blue - compilation pages by Paul Vachon
Well, there you have it for another month, which I hope is as good as it can possibly be!
Barbara Franklin
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Summer Greetings!
First of all, we do have the date of Sunday, August 24 scheduled for a picnic. However not very many of you responded thus far. Wouldn’t it be optimal to have at least 15 people, or is that being overly optimistic? Such as it is, the response will determine if said picnic will occur. Really, are the photos of our past picnics too parliamentary?
too pathetic? Well......? If you are interested in attending, please post a reply to this thread in the News & Updates section of the forum.
Well, this is important:
Something everyone will eventually notice is that a few changes will be taking place in the Forums. First and foremost is that Paul Vachon’s highly valued interpretations of Ted’s music grids of the song arrangements and Paul’s personal student notes will slowly be moved to the section on the actual website titled From The Students. This frees up a tremendous amount of what I learned is called “storage space” which will once again provide much needed room for interaction amongst those who wish to participate in the forums. So please continue to feel free to do so.
Furthermore, we will slowly begin an organization process within each category of the forums and perhaps even add more categories, as to make the information more accessible, and solve the problem of duplicate questions and answers. We’ve been tossing this idea around for a while and still trying to determine the best solution. Suggestions welcome.
This month Paul Vachon & I coordinated the lesson material in advance, giving everyone the opportunity to have Paul’s charts in conjunction with Ted’s arrangement. I have also chosen one of Ted’s lesson pages to go along with this, ideas I think you will find useful.
Chord Studies
Phrases in Chord Melody
But Beautiful (for solo guitar)
From the Students
Paul Vachon’s charts on But Beautiful
Hope there is something enjoyable for everyone.
Barbara Franklin
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Summer Greetings!
A Sad but Special Date
July 23rd will mark 3 years since Ted left us. For me, and perhaps many others, it still feels like it happened yesterday. In commemoration of Ted and simply for a better sense of well-being on this day (or every day?) please try to bestow upon someone a small act of kindness, if even just a smile, to spread some much needed good feelings into this weary world.
Despite the sweltering heat ablaze in the L.A. basin, apparently some of us are crazy enough to want to plan another picnic.
The proposed date is Sunday August 24th, to take place once again at the Encino “Duck Park.”
if you are interested in attending, please post a reply to this thread in the News & Updates section of the forum.
Notice! For anyone that wants DVDs of 5 of Ted’s seminars: Four very generous members of the Ted Greene forums have offered to make copies of these precious DVDs:
• Musicians Institute Seminar - June 1993
• Boulevard Music Seminar Aug. 22, 2004
• Calif. Vintage Guitar Christmas Seminar - Dec. 14, 2003
• Calif. Vintage Guitar Seminar - Aug. 8, 2004
• Musician’s Institute Seminar - May 17, 2005
Please feel free to contact anyone of them for details:
Chord Studies
1. Decorated Triads: Stepwise Diatonic Major Key Close
(1st Inversions with 2 to 1 Melody - 4 pages)
*page 4 is the same as above but with String Crossing!
1. There Will Never Be Another You - Harmonization of the 1st phrase. Descending Diatonic Stepwise Bass (2 to 1 harmonic rhythm)
There Will Never Be Another You (Solo Guitar)
<< Since the 4th of July is coming up:
My Country Tis' Of Thee - music notation
Here is a preview of his feature in the July 2008 issue of Electronic Musician - read more at: http://emusician.com/interviews/emusic_guitars_march/
or http://www.dansindel.us/news_ElectronicMusician08.asp

Have a happy and safe 4th of July, and perhaps take a moment to reflect on the significance of this holiday.
Warm regards to all,
Barbara Franklin
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Summer Greetings!
Last month theForum Section was surprisingly quiet, there was virtually no interaction or dialogue generated. Perhaps you are all sequestered in your dens with a favorite lesson from Ted, totally focused on the learning process? No questions? Or perhaps you’re watching the DVD and trying to figure out what Ted is doing? I suppose one could consider either of these reasons as plausible and quite possibly a good thing!
Be that as it may, I would like to inform everyone that at this time there are no more DVD’s available of Ted at Joey B’s wedding. Thanks so very much to all of you who sent for the DVD, and also I especially want to thank all those who so "generously contributed" towards maintaining the website.
Single Line
Double 4 note Tone Rows to learn:
1. Overtone Dominant Color for Soloing
2. Altered Dominant Color
3. Solo based on the chords to Shiny Stockings
Shiny Stockings (Chord Melody version)
There are many correlations to draw from this month’s lessons and song examples. If you’re so inclined, you might try exploring the multitude of possibilities.
We always welcome and encourage feedback, discussion, questions, or if you wish, whatever is on your mind. The Forums wait to be enlivened again!
As Always,
Barbara Franklin
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Greetings!“It’s May, it’s May, the merry month of May” ‘Tis a line from one of the songs in Camelot, the soundtrack from this movie being a favorite of Ted’s and mine. Unfortunately, none of these favorites are on the “Wedding” DVD. (Nice segue, Barbara)
Regarding the “Ted Greene Plays at the Backenstoe Wedding” DVD, as of this writing (4/25) there are still about 40 DVDs available. This offer is going to end on May 31st. Perhaps sometime in the future we will again make this offer available.
On a more personal note: Many of you are not aware how difficult it is to bring into being special offers such as the above mentioned, in addition to my sometimes chaotic quotidian existence, to which now is added the task of writing Ted’s bio/memoirs.
(As Ted always said, “I’m not complainin’, just explainin’)
This is a long, arduous labor of love, so please do not even think of asking about a date of completion!
Hence, I would like all of you to make the acquaintance of Nick Stasinos, a talented student of Ted’s and also a mutual friend of ours. Nick will be assisting me with the website, including all future projects, such as special DVDs and CDs of the incredible Ted Greene. It was Nick who came to my aid this month and offered his help when finding me overwhelmed by “everything,” and I graciously accepted. If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact either one of us through the website, and/or of course the master Webmaster, the inimitable Dan Sindel.
Since it is Spring, the idea of spreading beauty through music comes to my mind again and again, this being so, I wanted to dedicate this month’s lessons and song to encouraging this ineffable concept.
Chord Studies
Chord Substitution Pt.2 (pages 6-10...)
When You Wish Upon a Star
Counterpoint - 2 voices yielding 3
May the beauty of Ted’s music continue to permeate the universal spheres.
Barbara Franklin
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Spring Greetings to All, Once again the Picnic was quite a success, the weather complied nicely, and we all experienced an enjoyable afternoon of music, conversation and food. For those who could not make it there are photos posted in the forums under News and Updates
Take Heed!!!
There is something new to share this month. An audio recording of Ted’s interview on KPFK Radio originally broadcast in 1994.
You will find this on the TedGreene.com Homepage! Quite a treat
On another positive note:
A very interesting discussion in the Forums ensued from a simple inquiry regarding the chord progression IV (or iv) bVII7 - I. Three chords, with much to be said about them, ideas and opinions quite varied and all viable. The reason I mention this is because it is exactly the type of thing that Ted would have loved to see generated, he loved to pose questions and let the responses lead in as many directions as possible, thereby bringing forth new and different ideas, he loved to stimulate the thinking process, his own and others as well.
Ted Greene Playing at Joey B’s DVD
There is still time to add your name to the list if you would like a copy. You will find the list in the forums under "News and Updates". For those who would like to see a preview, please check out our video section. The entire DVD consists of Ted playing about 40 songs!
For more information about the DVD please see the March ’08 Newsletter.
Chord Studies
1. Chord Substitution Pt.1 (5 Pgs. One of Ted’s early studies, very in-depth)
2. I’ll Remember April - (Chord Melody Treatments of the 1st Phrase
3. I’ll Remember April - (Harmonized Melody - Jazz Piano & Orchestral)
What Kind of Fool am I?
Also..... A Big "CONGRATUALTIONS" to our very own DAN SINDEL for the positive acknowledgement in Guitar Player Magazine! (I’m very proud of you and I know Ted would also be so)
This concludes a rather sparse news month, but it’s always great to have something new to share. Thanks to all of you out there for your participation on Ted’s website.
Most Sincerely,
Barbara Franklin
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Greetings to all
Spring cometh in just over a fortnight, as doth J.B. Bach’s 323rd Birthday! Ted and I always paid tribute to Johann Sebastian on his special day reveling in many selections of his glorious works. Truly inspirational!
Picnic News
Due to the response we have gotten, there will indeed be another picnic, providing that there is no rain on that day.
See Details Below:
SUNDAY March 9, 2008
12 noon to whenever!)
This picnic is open to anyone who is interested in Ted Greene, his music, learning, sharing, and having fun. Bring food enough to feed yourself and perhaps share with others. Not massive amounts! Bring drinks for yourself, since we aren't sharing those. Barbecue-ing is not allowed at the park.
A blanket is good if you want to sit on the grass. There are also picnic tables where we meet. Folding chairs would also work fine. If you have a battery powered amp, please bring it. and of course; all guitars are welcome. We do a lot of playing and jamming, etc. Assorted and sundry items: sunblock, hat, digital camera. We met last time at the north east side of the park.
*** Please note *** There are TWO PARKS in Encino. Make double sure you are going to the correct park. (Last time 6 people went to the wrong one!)
Encino "Duck" Park
The 'back gate" is at:
16756 Moorpark St.
Encino CA 91436-1068
This "back" gate is closer to where we will be, but you can find us from either gate.
**Here is a link to a map
Take the 101 Ventura Freeway to the Balboa off ramp.
Go South on Balboa to Moorpark--one block before Ventura Blvd.
Turn left onto Moorpark and park on the street.
There is no parking lot. Enter through the gate.
(you can also park in the Smart & Final lot and enter from Ventura blvd. Front gate: Less than 1/2 block east of Balboa, on the North side of Ventura Blvd. Right next to Smart and Final.)
We are preparing to make available a new re-mastered DVD of Ted’s entire performance at Joey Backenstoe’s wedding. Anyone who attended Ted Greene's memorial will remember seeing some clips from this. It's one of Ted's best- filmed performances. He's relaxed, inspired and performs many standard tunes on his Telecaster, most arranged on the spot. It's a must-have! In order to know how many copies are needed, we are asking for advance notice if you are interested. There will be a column in the Forums for you to enter your name.
As you may not realize, the website does cost money to maintain, therefore we will ask in return for the DVD a $12 donation. This will cover the cost of materials and production of the DVD, and hopefully help defray some of the website costs. We've been looking for ways to offset these costs- not as a way to make a profit, but simply as a way to help offset expenses. (This is a labor of love for us.) It looks like we will be able to add a Paypal link for donations to the site. Stay tuned for more developments.
**REMEMBER: AT THIS TIME - We are ONLY compiling a list of names.
We simply need to know how many of you actually want the DVD.
New LESSONS for March
Jazz/Blues Section
*Beginning Jazz Turn Arounds
*Jazz Turnarounds (contrary motion) I7 bVII7 bVI7 V7 - 2 pages
*Jazz Turnarounds - Based on rhythmic figures mated to common progressions.
Chords Section
Harmonic Vocabulary Progression Study
*Page 1 - I ii
*Page 2 - I iii and I iii ii
Other Section
Harp Harmonics
*Page 1 ala Chet and Lenny
*Technique and Sustained Scales 3 Pages
*Scale runs with Chimes ala Chet and Lenny
*Very Early (Bill Evans)
*In a Mellow Tone
A (sort of) Short Commentary
This month offers many very special lessons, events and opportunities with (I hope)vast appeal. The purpose being, to show by example a varied array of what is (and has been) available to everyone through this website.
To use a common cliché “times have changed” most noticeably in the past 15 or so years as the internet has become all pervasive. The most recent generations are (or have been) growing up in a world where “everything under the sun” is available at the touch of a button, and consider this almost as “their right to access” as opposed to “a privilege” since they have not experienced the world prior to this phenomenon.
As many of you are aware, all this information was once disseminated (not too long ago) in a “physical” format, e.g. published books, “tangible” CDs, etc.
Unfortunately (as I view it anyway) the desire for tangible items is fading rapidly. However the work involved in creating and producing such materials has little changed.
Ted worked very hard (albeit with love) to formulate his musical studies and lessons, as do many other artists with anything worthwhile sharing for the benefit of others, whether it was intended for pleasure or knowledge.
Ok Barbara, get to the point! This “easy” access seems to me to diminish the appreciation of the information in the sense that when something is easily attained, it is almost taken for granted, and consequently less valued than when effort is (has been) expended to procure such. This may just be the way of the world now but I sure hope I’m wrong.
Rebuttals welcome.
Barbara Franklin
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February 2008 NEWSLETTER
Mid-Winter Greetings,
We’veexperienced quite a bit of precipitation in L.A. after several years of drought, and one never knows if this will continue throughout our Winter months. What is the relevancy, you may wonder? (or not) Well, there has been some inquiry regarding a 3rd picnic, perhaps in March? If this seems agreeable to any of you please respond in the Forums section (News & Updates)
Whilst engaged in an interesting discussion with Leon White, he mentioned that the last time he looked at the statistics for the Forums (well over a year ago) there were about 8000 views a month, and suggested I share with everyone the current statistics, which I am elated to do, as the activity on the forums has hit an all time high of over 42, 500 views last month! Wow!!!
Also upon Leon’s suggestion, a version of “My Funny Valentine” was deemed an appropriate choice to offer since it is February, good idea Leon! Therefore I have included 2 versions in the Lessons section under TUNES.
This month there is a potpourri of lesson material, hopefully something for everyone:
Single Line Studies: Chord Unfoldment (Ted’s word) Great ideas for single note soloing! Chord Studies: Romantic Harmony because it’s February
Harmony Studies: A page of Counterpoint through Ted’s evolutionary view
Other: Ear Training - Developing Inner Harmonization Hearing (2 pgs.)
**And lastly, I want to congratulate our very own Dan Sindel on his debut playing at the NAMM show! Here I offer you the text:
Dan's CD Signing & Live Performance (Fri, January 18th & Sat 19th 1:30p.m.) at TBD's booth was a great success!!!
All who came by the TBD Booth had a chance to meet Dan in person and get a "FREE" Collector's "Marching In" Advance Release Sampler CD as well as watch him perform to a few John Philip Sousa favorites. Dan also made a few surprise "guest appearances" along the way and performed his Symphonic Guitar arrangements at the booths of Glyph Technologies and Coloriffic Pickguards and everyone had a good time..!
Dan states: "In my humble opinion the event was very pleasing to say the least as well as a great opportunity to share my music with so many people. LOL, it sure seemed all the good folks working the registration area had taken an opportunity to enjoy themselves as well for a few seconds when we "struck up the band" and I played my guitar along to my Sousa interpretations, playing at NAMM is a dream come true for me."
***One more item to mention: For some Ted inspired music:
vist http://www.myspace.com/timlerch
So if appropriate, throw another log on the fire, keep warm and enjoy!
Barbara Franklin
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Well..........Yet another year has dawned upon us.
Hope everyone has reason to welcome in the New Year with a positive outlook and inspiration for their path ahead.
In the ineluctable cycle of ending one year and beginning the next, I have chosen to bestow upon you with all good tidings, Ted’s Melodic Patterns for Intros, Endings, and Interludes. There are 4 different ideas to work from, and these pages also offer insight on how to formulate your own versions.
Lessons Section - CHORD STUDIES
For some divergence, I have also included 2 pages on what Ted terms ‘Classical’ Harmony for guitar.
The quotation marks are Ted’s, he’s referring to ‘classical’ as meaning basic or traditional, which also encompasses contemporary application.
Lesson Section - HARMONY
Lastly in the TUNES section there are 3 different arrangements of “Ain’t Misbehavin”
Again, one has the opportunity to view the different aspects and styles from Ted’s wide perspective.
It will be of tremendous benefit to carefully look at and compare all of the possibilities and options.
Happy New Year!
Barbara Franklin, Dan Sindel, Bob Holt
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