Steve Brodie wrote:
…My step-father, now retired in Europe, was the musical director at the Wilshire Presbyterian Church, and I arranged for Ted to play there. In fact, I played the week before or after Ted, and he was in the audience listening to my show…Ted! I was too naive to be nervous about that. Anyway, I have been trying to get his printed program for his performance and have written to dear Dad in Europe. My next attempt is to go to the church. If I can get it, it might be something to post. I remember his playing was incredible for that performance. I wish I had recorded it!!
I stopped in at Wilshire Presbyterian Church today to see if they have the written program from Ted’s performance there. They had a fire there in the 70’s so they’re not sure. But they will look.
[and later]
Thanks for the list, Barbara. I kind of recall him playing some of these tunes. I definitely remember him playing a Bach piece because I remember how good it sounded in the acoustics of the Church. If you stumble across the program the church prepared, please let me know. I know they always prepared programs, so they probably had something written up about Ted on it, other than just the song list. I’ll keep checking with the Church and some other sources.